2010년 9월 19일 일요일

The best way for language learning

When I was student period, actually I was not accoustomed in speaking  and listening Enlgish. In korea education policy English was considered subject like other studies subject. so I am not good at speaking and listening English.
 But now the stautus of Enlgish has becomed international language all of the world. The recognition that English is a language has extended, so lately I had to concern in speaking English. and the surroundings around me has also changed into working with foreigners. so I can be practiced English  almost everyday
 As for me, one of  the most influencing things in acquiring English is working foreigners. we work in school together, so I have to talk with him and I have to think Enlgish expression that I want to talk. so compared before I has improved English speaking and listening.
 Almost daily conversation helps me improved English skills and moreover reading and writing practice English  in Tesol Mall Graduate school helps me developed my English skills , as I think . Eventually the best way for language learning is practicing and thinking Enlgish everyday.

2010년 9월 12일 일요일

Reflection: Critical Incident Protocol

  On last Saturday morning, with my daughter, we went to daughter's elementary school.  Even though that day was holiday, we went to participate special class to make environmental car and handkerchief with leaves. At first class, we made the car with cardboard but in the process of fabricating  I was busy to follow the teacher 's instruction.  and moreover I had no self- confidence to  fabricate car and teacher's speech speed was fast. so I was irritated  with my daughter.

2. WHY?
 While teacher instruct the process of fabricating, I felt that it was too fast. At the beginning of that class the teacher said " it was difficult for me to make it " after listening suddenly I felt nervous and I was irritated with my daughter. My daughter tried to fabricate the car, but that made me hindered  to follow his speech. so we couldn't enjoy that time.

 As teacher, I thought the teacher's attitude for his students. He was honest and kindly. but his speech speed was too fast and difficult. Except us other team didn't follow his sayings. other problem was his diffident attitude for making car.  That makes me irritated.

 As  a middle school teacher, what  I felt is that teacher's attitude for students is very important. Teacher should consider the students' level. To be a good teacher we need to consider the speech speed, leadership for students, friendly attitude and other attitude for students.

 An Approach to Academic Writing

Academic writing is a product of many considerations: audience, purpose,organization, style, flow and presentation
1. Audience - we need to have and understaning of our audiences and prior knowledge
2. Purpose and Strategy - Audience, purpose and strategy are typically interconnected
3. Organization - Information is presented to reader in a structured format.
                          Even short piece of writing have  regular, predictable patterns of organization
4. Style- Academic writers need to be sure that their communications are written in the appropriate style. The style of a particular piece must not only be consistent, but must also be proper for the message being conveyed and for the audience.  One difficulty in using the appropriate style is knowing what is considered academic and what is not. Lectures are generally delivered in a relatively nonacademic style.

Briefly I wrote introductions of each list.. The most important is detailed contents. Practices make perfect. I need consistent efforts to  write well.

2010년 9월 5일 일요일

Our problem of plagiarism in korean education

 This paper suggested two kinds of way  in inferential process  about   preventing  plagiarism. one is the deductive inference and the other is analogical inference.  an effective paraphrase is one that expresses the paraphrase writer's ingenuity and analogical inference is that a writer expresses  the information in the original text in his/ her own word and that the paraphrased text includes a parenthetical citation.  in fact  I really don't recognized  plagiarism  in writing., especiallly in general theories, and conceptions. so to adopt and understand the plagiarism in korean context,  I think we need to try to admit and study them more. what this paper suggested is too difficult  for me to instruct and adopt students in middle school. so I need to learn writing more.